hello! i am fariiha.

i love listening to music its one of my favourite hobbys. i think if i could, i would listen to music 24/7 ( i propbably do already but thats not the point..). i acc dont know how to discribe my music taste becuase i like all sorts of music but if i do get ask i say "kpop".
here are some of my favourite artists:
txt, svt, keshi, the weeknd, sza, pryvt, chase atlantic, doja, cat, hybs and music
my spotify account!!!

although im a diabetic i always find ways to modify recipes to make it some what healthier for me (sometimes i could care less DONT DO THAT IF YOUR A DIABETIC). most of the time i dont usaully bake for myself, its either for my friends, family or some sort of event.i really enjoy baking and especially not following a recipe and doing my own thing.maybe in the future my baking/ recipes page will be completed! for now tho we just wait. what i plan on having for that page:

yes i am a granny when it comes to crochet. i learnt how to crochet during covid and lockdown since i didnt really have anything better to do. my mum taught me the basics and after that i followed youtube tutorials.altough my crochet page isnt working yet hopefully ill start working on it in the future same as my baking/recipes page.some things i hope to add:
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